Thursday, July 19, 2018

Woods Hole in 2018

I have been coming to Woods Hole since 1956, my grandfather was a scientist at the Oceanographic and my father rented a desk at the MBL library and was involved with some of the courses. I have been going to Friday night lectures since I was a teenager. So today, semi-retired and getting a good look at the place this is the kinds of people I see:

The "Big Science" MBL scientists get to rent nice properties down Gardiner Rd from me. Meanwhile the U of Chicago has brought in a continually renewing undergraduate population and the doors at the MBL are unlocked more often. The Friday night lectures continue a tradition of emphasizing credentials and the social benefits of science, rather than the science. So for example, a talk on a human disease, can involve routine application of conventional tools, and garner praise because the disease is important [I should talk] and because the grants are large. Amazing images can be praised without any understanding of the underlying processes being observed. Occasional new ideas slip in.

Another group is the retired engineers and "alte kaker" sitting across from Pie-in-the-Sky, watching people go buy (on Thursday's I go and order Chai). I am just feeling out this group. I have known some for many years but am trying to remember names. These guys, if they aren't still working, are trying to entertain themselves with boats. I want to call them the "boys", as it is a resumption of childhood fun.

Then I am bothered by another group, which I am on the fringe of, consisting of urban folks who seem to huddle together for warmth. Waiting - I guess - for death and passing time shoring up their sense of status du jour. Well, I am not urban.

Another group are the successful people, the landed gentry, over on my side of town. They seem confident and easing into age - although I should be a fly on the wall!

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