Sunday, March 31, 2024

Chipping away at the concept of transitivity

Let's start with: 

- A penny is in my pocket and my pocket in in my pants, so the penny is in my pants.

- The present is in a box and the box is in the garage, so the present is in the garage.

I think we regard these as examples of the transitivity of "in" only by ignoring differences. To be "in a box" is not really the same relation as "in the garage". Here, to be "in" implies certain steps one can take to locate something. Clearly, opening the box is an additional step. All of which gets suppressed. Similarly, and more easily justified: to be "in the pocket" is not the same as to be "in the pants".

Saturday, March 30, 2024

First Osprey 2024

Just saw one. Note the date: March 30. Last year it was March 29. As I have said, the New Yorkers are not far behind.

I know I saw cormorants a week or so ago. I am under the impression they stayed all winter. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

More jokes

World worst screen savers: dead rat..... colonoscopy tag...

Answering "What are your pronouns?" without understanding the word "pronouns". Eg: "My pronouns are: or, not, and if...then". "My pronouns are: a, the, and another". Or like "me, my, mine". Or "I kind of like Mike Tyson". 

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Non-informative information

There should be a word, other than "enshittification", for the providing of additional information that is of no value. Some great examples: showing RPM on a car dashboard with automatic gearing; showing all the most recent durations that have been used for a digital timer. These examples, require an act of 'ignoring': You consume the information and then discard it. This type of energy draining is going on all around me.