Friday, July 20, 2018

Circular saw use in pre-dynastic Eygpt

YouTube is full of videos that show pre-dynastic stonework that is far more precise than anything done by the pharaohs - surfaces too smooth to have been produced with hand tools, and circular saw cuts so obvious you have to laugh at the Eygptologists saying these were produced with copper chisels. Similar saw cuts occur at Baalbek and at Teohoatican.
Let me be the first to propose an obvious way to do this: use a "spinning button" but much bigger than the toy. Those suckers can go 125,000 rpm, much much faster than industrial stone cutting saws of today. At those speeds you could cut rock with a string or with water. A super weed-wacker would work, or a toothed saw made of just about anything and using powdered stone abrasive.

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