Friday, August 23, 2024

Feelin' good

I am kind of enjoying life at age 71. My health is an issue - especially breathing, but there are good days and bad days and you try to ignore night-time pains in favor of day-time ideas. In particular I am sustaining myself with trying to finalize The Moving Topic paper.

Yesterday I finally got something straight in the logic: you cannot preserve "nesting" hierarchical structure within the "flat" sequence of topics making up the ledger. To store the hierarchical info is to admit defeat. So I decide to ignore the possibility of deep nesting, in favor of simple data. This is a second example of the kind of tough design decisions I have been forced to, in the last month. The other involved getting VIRTUE, BLOCKAGE, 'causes', and 'enables' defined and initialized in the right places to, again, keep the data as simple as possible. But finally, I feel like these ideas are correct - everything is in place and I just need to polish the paper.

Trying to be a better blues player - simpler, calmer takes up much of the day. I sit at my table, guitar to my right, pot also to my right on the table, and ideas in front of my eyes. And I get through the day watching TV and switching between these activities. I cook but, recently, my meals have not been very good. Food costs are a worry. Travel costs are too, since Barb's car just died and we cannot afford a replacement. But at this moment, all is well. It is a crisp, August day. We'll go out in my boat or perhaps to the beach later. I am going to smoke a little something and re-read yesterdays writing. 

On the other hand, we cannot afford high-quality maple syrup.

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