Tuesday, August 20, 2024

A scene with dragons and cofffee

Wend, the senior Crag dragon, is talking to Llel and inviting her into the foyer. She enters and says: "Is that coffee I smell?". Wend says "yes". She hasn't had coffee in several hundred years. I turns out the Crag dragons grow a small crop in the hills. They serve her coffee and Llel could not be more pleased.


The premise is that the kingdom was founded based on dragon/human friendship. But this fact had been lost over several thousand years, while, at the same time, dragons became more rare, and the political situation among men deteriorated - into a monarchy with little power. The dragons did not much like living near people - who tended to be obnoxious - and so dragons mostly lived in remote places. During the same history, the dragons had become more isolated from each other and birth rates were low.

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