Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Plum cake

 I had too many ripe plums I did not want to eat. So I sliced them up, salted them, baked them at 200 for an hour and then added them to a standard white cake recipe - which I cribbed from some other plum cake recipe:

1 stick salted butter

3/4 cup sugar

1/2 tsp salt

2 eggs

1 tsp baking powder

1 cup flower

Cream the butter and sugar, stir in eggs one by one, mix as fluffy as possible. Fold in dry ingredients, mixing as little as possible. Add baked plum fragments. Bake 350 for ~1 hour (or until fork comes out dry).

Note there is a lot of liquid in the plums. Pre-baking the plums removes some of it. Baking the cake a little longer than usual is needed. The source of my cake recipe says it is good to let the juices diffuse into the cake overnight before eating it.

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