Friday, December 23, 2022

Latest on Elements of Narrative and Truisms

From notes:
Truism and Sequitur
Narrative Elements
Thing                          X
Thing with attribute    X_/A
Event                           X-v->Y (here, X is the "actor" and Y is the "target")
Sequence                     X,Y
Dependent sequence   X::Y
Exclusion                    X*
Subnarrative               (X)
Implicit Subnarrative  [X]
An attribute is something appearing after '_/'. If an attribute name is used in a different position in a narrative, it is cast as a 'thing'. If a non-attribute is used after '_/' it is cast as an attribute.
We build up more complicated expressions by taking these elements and substituting them for single letters in the above expressions, i.e. by assuming entire narrative elements can be substituted for 'thing' or 'attribute'. The results are called 'narratives'. A substitution requires use of '()'. These may be removed whenever operators inside are higher or equal priority to operators outside the parens, according to these priorities:
Priority of operation
'*', '[]', '()'  (unary before binary operators) 
'_/' , '->' , '::' , ','
The notation is extended with "virtue" attributes GOOD/BAD, that may apply to any element or narrative. An event that is GOOD is called "efficient". 
Thing, person, place, idea
Recognize these subtypes of 'thing'. The differences between legal expressions and meaningful ones is that words are defined in a context with respect to these types of 'thing'. EG a person has feelings and a place has settings (my usage). An event with a person as the actor is called an "action".
Nar() notation
Given a narrative with fixed things and attributes A, B, C, ... This can be shorthanded with notation
Nar(A,B,C,...). These parens and commas are not those of the narrative notation. This allows using a narrative as a template with replaceable variables. The trusisms below using Nar(), assume that Nar() is given.
(X->Y)_/[place, time, manner] (events have implicit localizers)
 X_/A :: X_/[A]                  (attributes remain constant)
X_/A_/GOOD :: X_/B_/[GOOD]      (virtue is transferred between attributes of an object)
(X->Y)_/GOOD :: Y_/GOOD         (efficient actions have virtue)
 X->person::person_/feeling     (affects cause feelings)
person_/feeling::person->Y     (feelings cause actions)
(person->Y)_/[GOOD]            (actions are efficient)
X*::X                                            (contrast is resolved)
Nar([Z]),Z                      (the implicit MAY become explicit)
Nar([Z]*)::Z                    (the blocked implicit MUST become explicit, eg "ready")
 Nar(X),Nar(Y),[Nar(Z)]         (lists - patterns are expected to continue)
A, B, [Nar(A,B)]               (tropes - familiar pattern are expected)
what is a category? EG "colors" vs "a color". Answer might be given
in terms of a standard model of a thing, having attribute slots with
allowed values. Similarly, the special properties of person and place
may be derivable from a model of standard attributes for these.
Thus maybe assume: person_/[GOOD]              
Formal equivalences
The use of equality is a meta statement, not a narrative structure.
Equality allows things like:
X->Y = Y_/[dY]         (Newton's 2nd: event is reflected in change)
In each case, a transition of notation occurs that replaces the left hand side with the right hand side.
There may be a law of narrative evolution that says:
if A::B then Nar(A)::Nar(B). This is not a truism.
Another law of evolution might say:
Y_/dY evolves to Y.
We might use this to derive something like this
1. (X->Y)_/GOOD = (Y_/[dY])_/GOOD (by Newton)
2. Y_/dY evolves to Y (or Y_/dY = Y)
3. Therefore (1) equals Y_/dY_/GOOD which evolves to Y_/GOOD
Thus "efficient actions have virtue" is derived. Not from other
truisms but from generative rules expressed with '='.
The actual laws of truism derivation, according to me, stem from general principles of the thesaurus and ledger. EG, [PLACE]_/raining comes from the requirement of making the object explicit, when setting an attribute.

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