Monday, September 5, 2022

The Mystery of Beta Decay

A fellow named Unzicker on YouTube has been explaining that "beta decay" is not well explained by postulating a "beta" particle that nobody can detect. He says the theorists are replacing something they do not understand (the loss of mass of the neutron when it decays into an electron and a proton) with something they cannot observe. 

Listening to another video from the same guy he pins a nobel prize winner to the wall when that person says he can ignore gravity because it is too small to detect in the situations he is measuring. 

So, here on my own blog, I am allowed to make a fool of myself and suggest that physicists should consider that the so-called weak forces holding a neutron together, are losing out to gravity when the particles get far enough apart. Perhaps it is during the conversion of weak force into gravity that mass is lost.

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