Wanting to relate narratives to
the traditional Boolean “calculus”, here are some of the kinds of assumptions
needed for a test case:
A kind of temp_collection {A,B, C, … } that can be interchanged
with the comma-separated narrative pattern ‘A,B,C,…’
Blocking this kind of temp_collection replaces
it with a temp_collection having each of its elements blocked. In other words
(A,B,C,…)* is equivalent to (A*,B*,C*,…).
With those assumptions we can
limp towards a derivation of the De Morgan Law
A or B ) = not( A ) and not( B ).
First to represent “A or B” in our current framework, we put A and B in a temp_collection, along with a blockage of the alternatives. Thus ‘A or B’ is written:
{ []*,
A, B }
To negate that, we write
{ []*,
A, B }*
Distributing the outer blockage,
gives us
[]**, A*, B*}
Which “writes back out” as the
narrative [], A*,B*. This is endpoint equivalent to ‘A*,B*’. The ‘,’ is
transcribed as “and”.
This gives us a hint at doing traditional logic with narratives - with a heavy reliance on temp_collection behavior and blockage properties. It would be worth isolating the narrative equivalences needed to support a discussion of the infinite.
Update: The other law not( A and B)=not(A) or not(B) can be derived from the first using a cancelling of double negatives. But if you try to reason it through directly, it gets confusing.
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