Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Pegging Aristotle

I am pretty much done with my paper on the "Moving Topic". In it, I cover quite a lot of territory, from the basis of cooperative behavior, to irony, to the attractiveness of scientific theories of Newton, Lagrange, etc., to the definition of imponderables like: "truth", "causality", "free will", "space", etc.......Good Stuff!

I was and remain worried that the paper does not have any significant content but I have to recognize that figuring out a very reasonable definition of "truth" is, in fact, significant - especially since it is a topological concept of homotopy. Again, good stuff! But it is sad that I am not likely to be around when or if my theories are ever understood or praised. Also, I am afraid to stop writing because, I could forget all the details in the blink of an eye, and then what will my identity be?

The weird feeling I have is that I have sodomized Aristotle, and I am ducking, waiting to be spanked for the act. If I submit the paper to an academic journal, that is exactly what is likely to happen...that and the forgetting.

1 comment:

  1. To be really vulgar: I feel like I am pegging him with a chair leg.
