Saturday, June 29, 2024

Things to see in Woods Hole they don't tell you about

Having watched videos about the lobster rolls, lighthouses, and beaches around the Cape, it is clear that most people see the Cape as they would see any other part of the east coast. Here are some things to do around Woods Hole that even the locals may not know about:

 - Stroll out Penzance Point and admire the estates
 - Get lost in BB Woods.
 - Visit the Indian Mounds at Flume Pond
 - Watch the Cape Cod Knockabout Races (Woods Hole Yacht club has the schedule)
 - Friday Evening Lectures at the MBL (and the Falmouth Forum in wintertime)
 - Sippewisset Beach - the wading river and beach sands are great for kids
 - Atlantic White Cedar Swamp
 - Fishing for False Albacore from the NOAA jetty

 - Tour of the Neil Armstrong Research Vessel, at WHOI
 - Woods Hole Film Festival
 - Woods Hole Model Boat show

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