Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Too bad the CDC is run by incurious politicians and not scientists

I think "big" science has a lot to answer for. How many people suspected a bioengineered virus and kept it to themselves for fear of ostracism? How many of them challenged the censoring of information, publicly and loudly? How many of them held the CDC's feet to the fire? How many of them have publicly clarified that science can never determine public policy or the answers to ethical questions? How many of them have shifted their research goals to encompass some of the basic questions? Why didn't they set up a test species (eg mink) lab and get to work on the obvious:

 - What is the nature of cross immunity? - Could we have distributed a common cold rather than a vaccine?

 -Why were different demographics affected differently?

 - How does viral "load" work?

 - Why are different people affected differently, and in different parts of the body?

 - How early was it, and where - by sewage DNA analysis.

 - Transmission medium: air versus surface

Those questions have been there from the beginning and might have been answered or better understood in a short time frame.

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