Monday, March 18, 2019

Staging of "The King in Thule"

A brief note: The King in Thule has three soloists and a backup chorus. The soloists are Faust, Mephisto, and Margaret. The piece begins with a horn ensemble, followed by a song by Faust and Mephisto. It could be staged like this:

Faust, Mephisto, and Margaret are in the marketplace, walking around. Faust and Mephisto pass Margaret and both she and Faust turn back to look at each other, while walking on. Then Faust starts making plans with the devil to get the love of Margaret. While they are plotting, she feels a shiver run along her spine. Then both Faust and Margaret sing songs of love about the other. Margaret's song devolves into a folk song about the King in Thule. Later they plant the jewels in her room, later she finds them, it does not work out etc. Most of the action can be either in the marketplace or in (or just outside) Margaret's room. Structurally, I am not sure where the best place is to put the choral version of the folk song. So I put stage it during the hiding of the jewels.

When Meg finds the jewels she is horrified. She shows them to her mother, who gives them to a priest. The devil watches. This pisses off the devil who sings "by the pangs of despised love" and "the jewels for Margaret" and he and Faust exit, singing "Let's Go".

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