Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Third game of the world series - a context challenge for chatbots

I have been puzzling about how to retrieve context in the classic Siri fail of:

ME: Who won the world series?
Siri: The Houston Astros
ME: Who pitched in the third game?
Siri: Here is what I found online about that.

The good thing is that context retrieval seems to follow its own mechanisms that does not need to be too entwined with existing code. It is a bit confusing that you need a non-language mechanism to look up the specific question like "Who won the third game of the world series?" Language's only responsibility here is to recognize the incompleteness of "third game" and seek, in context, for a specific value of  'game'. The non-language part would have to take over after that.

I also like the slowly dawning realization that when such things cannot be located in the recent context, the right thing to do is ask a question. Siri might have said: "Which game exactly?

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