Friday, June 24, 2022

A simple theorem of glance functions


A little Theorem about glance functions [described in my Hypothesis Testing... article].

Let ha be the glance function of a simple interval of length a.

If H is the glance function for a collections of intervals separated by gaps, and a new interval of length a is added after a gap of length b, then the glance function of the new collection of intervals is

(*)                                      H -> H – Hb  + Ha + hb + ha  - ha+b

Where the superscript on a function H indicates a term-wise shift of the independent variable by adding that amount, so  Ha(x)= H(a+x).

Corollary: the value of the glance function after the last step equals the number of intervals being glanced.

Proof: It is true for one interval, since ha equals 1 at it's last step. If true for H, with N final steps, then we note the terms in the above (*) has final step values: +N , -N, +N,  +1, +1, -1. This totals to N+1. Hence the corollary is true by induction.

Update: The correct formula is

(**)                     H à H – Hb  + Ha+b + (ha + hb – ha+b)

The induction argument is the same. We can name the first part the "shifted H" part. The rest is the "self-contained" info about the added segment.

Note: this encourages thinking about re-constructing the original segments, starting from their glance function. Because we know how many segments are involved and the maximum length from first to last end points of the segments.

1 comment:

  1. I am not real happy with the consequences of this. For example, it seems to imply you could add a segment/gap at either end of a body of existing segments and the new glance function will be the same no matter which end of the "body" you add it to because the original body has the same glance function calculated from either direction.
