Friday, April 3, 2020

Early Magnolias: 3 Days in Late March

#1 Green pods, yellow sepals, white buds unopened, Sunlight late PM

#2 Buds Begin To Open, Cloudy Afternoon

#3 Three Buds Open, Rainy Afternoon
(look closely)
Update: I want to brag that there are some interesting optical effects visible in the first and third picture. In the first, the light against the house in the background is in the pattern of two window panes. I believe windows were the source of reflection, remaining coherent because it passed through a natural pinhole in the intervening foliage. In the third picture, if you can zoom in enough, you'll see water drops that have an upside down image of the background, together with a blue-red color aberration at the lower edges of each drop.

1 comment:

  1. This was at the very beginning of the Covid19 pandemic. I feel the quality of my colored pictures goes up a step beginning here.
