Thursday, December 26, 2024

Apparently I am a Turkish jeweler

Who knew? Also, I have gotten quite a bit younger.

The guy has 1M+ viewers on YouTube: zeki saglam _official

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Unspeakable science

This does not seem like much fun:

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

I heard the pyramids were made of Lego blocks.

Don't know yet if it is really big Lego blocks, or if the pyramids are actually very small.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

The Red Dragon Roaster

They are so sensitive about names that Red Dragons adopted a once-a-year festival, called the Roaster, where they can insult each other without fear of repercussion. Using a name in the insult is considered particularly witty. 

Some dragons are not as witty as others: "Ya? Your mother is fat". Says one. "Well at least I know who my mother was", replies another, "I heard your eggs were swapped". 

Monday, November 18, 2024

The cuddling scene from "The Boy and the Dragon", and White Dragons

Esque and Tom finally make it to Albergarthwe (Aireilgrthe...[spellings and pronunciations vary]) and burst in on the room where Llel and Wend are hanging out. They are cuddling together by the fire and, at a later date, an egg is produced. The reunion of Esque and her Mom is heartwarming. Tom's presence causes a stir. [Actually the reunion needs to happen before the cuddling, cuz Llel will be too worried before being reunited with Esque.]

In the short term this allows for a discussion of Dragon genetics - TBD. In the long term, a Dragon egg is produced. This is part of the miracle at the end of the story.

There is a discussion of White Dragons. These are quite small, usually around 8 inches. They live in the forest and are little known. They do not have the same vocal chords as the larger dragons, and make sounds by flapping their wings. They can understand human speech - it is not too fast- but they speak at the same rate as larger dragons. So there is still a communication barrier. EVERYONE speaks English.

White Dragons are very data centric and pedantic.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

At the bookseller's - scene from The Boy and the Dragon

The Naysayer is curious about dragons: "Maybe we should find out something about dragons before we...". So he goes down the bookseller's street and finds "A Field Guide to the Dragons" by Robertroy Peterson (or some modified name). The book is by a woman, who we refer to as the "Wise Woman", and the vendor says: "Oh yeah. She is still alive".

So the Naysayer locates the Wise Woman and goes to ask her about dragons.

Update: Maybe the book is old, not recent, but by an author whose descendants still exist (or they were republishing the 610th edition). As the Naysayer is leafing through the book, he notices a picture of the national flag. But it is wrong. The current flag shows a white man and a white dragon facing each other on a field of blue. The man holds a sword out towards the dragon. But in this old book, the flag depicts the man without a sword. Later, when the Naysayer meets the Wise Woman, she can tell him a little of the history of how the sword got added and how ancient texts talk about cooperation between people and dragons.


In case I don't mention it elsewhere, we must include General Otto and his troops. Perhaps Tom's dad is a soldier, while his mom is a special needs language teacher (part time help in the castle kitchen). Tom is slightly dyslexic, which is why he prefers going fishing. Tom wants his Dad's approval.

Re those troops: General Otto sends out several companies and Llel trashes some of the companies. We start a scene with LLel parting the rushes and finding Tom's dad. Or perhaps she had just finished slaughtering other soldiers and has pity for Tom's dad, who represents no threat.

One supposes a human society with aristocrats who are contemptuous of the "peasants". In the Kings council meeting, when Bulvanius speaks, the Naysayer expects nothing more than buffoonery and bombast [but since Bulvanius is fabulously wealthy everyone listens politely]. But when Richard Richard (AKA Thornton] speaks, the Naysayer is more concerned - knowing he is the ultimate manipulator. Also, Richard Richard, is the captain of the King's personal guard. (He needs money to finance his daughter's wedding, believing that anyone he can afford isn't good enough for her. Ultimately, this leads him to pursue dragon treasure, to acquire the wealth.)

The Naysayer, Selkirk, can be the minister of mines. Bulvanius is minister of taxes and finance. These ministers are all present in the original council meeting. So is general Otto. All of these positions are inherited. Possibly Bulvanius is also called "Blothar Malvus", by another character who never gets names straight.